Picky, Picky, Picky. Don't bother me with details. Ve have to change the
system for the people.
Larry Levine
----- Original Message -----
From: <karin@cain.berkeley.edu>
To: "Rick Hasen" <Rick.Hasen@lls.edu>
Cc: "election-law" <election-law@majordomo.lls.edu>
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: CA Governor's Redistricting Plan
ACA3 reads:
Data regarding party affiliation or voting history of electors could not
be used. To the extent possible, district boundaries would be required to
be drawn to ensure a prescribed level of competitiveness between the two
largest political parties.
can someone explain to me how one would assess competitiveness if
political data can not be used?
thank you
karin mac donald
statewide database