Subject: news of the day 1/28/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 1/28/2005, 9:22 AM
To: election-law

Note: News of the Day will resume on Feb. 1.

Reminder: ELJ Call for Papers---Optional Proposals Due Monday

Details here.

"Reed Sides With GOP Before Court"

The Seattle Times offers this report.

EMILY's List Reply Now Available

You can find it here.

Greene on Bush v. Gore

Abner Greene has posted Is There a First Amendment Defense for Bush v. Gore? (forthcoming, Notre Dame Law Review) on SSRN. The abstract:

"U.S. Begins Shelley Probe"

The Sacramento Bee offers this report.

Linking Redistricting and Loosening of Term Limits

The Sacramento Bee reports that a member of the California state assembly is proposing to place redistricting reform and a loosening of term limits together as a package to be adopted by voters in a special election in California in 2005.

I have serious doubts that combining both proposals in a single proposed constitutional amendment is permissible under the California Constitution. Although legislatively proposed constitutional amendments are not covered by the "single subject" rule, they are covered by the "separate vote" requirement. I looked into that requirement (including its original 1849 adoption) as a member of the Proposition 62 legal team challenging the placement on the ballot of Proposition 60, which was to enshrine party primaries andto require the state to sell certain surplus property. I believe the separate vote requirement bars the legislature from placing two distinct constitutional changes (particularly measures that would amend different provisions of the California Constitution) in a single proposed amendment. Although Proposition 62 was defeated at the polls, litigation over Proposition 60 and the separate vote requirement is pending at the California Supreme Court.

On the topic of redistricting reform, this PPIC Survey (see question 30, page 24) includes the following question:

Finally, Joshua Spivak offers this oped in the Los Angeles Daily Journal (paid subscription required) supporting redistricting reform.

Austin Chronicle Report on Oral Argument in Texas Redistricting Case

See here.

Useful Page for FEC Litigation

I have complained for some time about how difficult it is to use the FEC's website. I was therefore happy to learn of this page on the site, "Selected Recent and Ongoing Litigation." Good to know.
Professor Rick Hasen 
Loyola Law School 
919 Albany Street 
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211 
(213)736-1466 - voice 
(213)380-3769 - fax