Subject: news of the day 2/2/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 2/2/2005, 7:53 AM
To: election-law

"Bill to Reform 527s Attracts Schumer, Lott"

Roll Call offers this report (paid subcription required). See also Money Flows to Senators and Associations Urge Change to PAC Rules. The newpaper also offers Cheers for Arnold, an editorial endorsing the change to nonpartisan redistricting in California.

"Schwarzenegger raises big-time money - with a big difference"

Dan Walters offers these thoughts in his Bee column.

"Shelley Has Way to Avoid Hearing"

The San Jose Mercury News offers this report, which begins: "Secretary of State Kevin Shelley's much-anticipated appearance Thursday before California lawmakers scrutinizing his conduct might be delayed by weeks, if not months, to give attorneys and investigators more time to delve into the controversy." Another snippet: "Shelley is quietly trying to work out a deal in which he would step down if he can find another job and state lawmakers agree to ease up on their investigation, according to two sources who have spoken to the secretary of state."

"Power Struggle Grips Club for Growth"

The New York Sun offers this report. Link via Political Wire.

"Maybe Anyone Can Be President"

The Los Angeles Times offers this front-page report, with the subhead: "Support is growing to amend the Constitution to let foreign-born citizens lead the nation. So, which governor comes to mind?"

"Competition Isn't Everything"

California state senator Kevin Murray offers this LA Times oped on the proposal to make California redistricting more competitive.

San Diego Trial Update

See this Los Angeles Times story and this San Diego Union-Tribune report.

"Republicans Question Validity Of Political Donation By Corzine's Mother" offers this report.

"Security for Voting Machines is Pushed"

The Baltimore Sun offers this report.

"Report: Fla Ballot Performance Improves"

A.P. offers this report.

"A Job for the Judiciary? Governor sees role for bench in plan to redraw state's election districts"

The Recorder ( offers this report (paid subscription required).

More on Redistricting and Term Limits

Responding to John Gear's comments, Brett Bellmore writes:

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax