<x-flowed>List members may be interested in a new project here at Michigan. I've
been working with the Michigan Election Law Project, a student organization
at U-M Law School, to create the Voting Rights Initiative (VRI). Over the
course of Winter-Spring 2005, the VRI will examine and analyze all
published opinions decided under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act since
1982. In particular, the VRI will focus on how courts have applied the
factors listed in the Senate Report accompanying the 1982 amendments. All
information collected will be entered into a database that will be posted
on an accessible public website. Simple searches on the website will
enable interested researchers to obtain lists of all section 2 decisions
involving any of the specified factors or combinations of them. The site
will also include a report of significant judicial findings, as well as
some student analysis of unique state or local trends of interest.
The Voting Rights Initiative includes a team of 92 Michigan Law
students. The VRI welcomes suggestions and feedback to make the data
collection process both effective and valuable to the voting rights
community. If you would like more information, feel free to contact me or
Emma Cheuse, Lead Director, Voting Rights Initiative, at