Subject: [Fwd: Vote dilution? We're Shocked! Shocked!]
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 2/16/2005, 7:44 AM
To: election-law
CC: John Gear <>

message from John Gear:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Vote dilution? We're Shocked! Shocked!
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 09:09:05 -0500
From: John Gear <>

You posted:

Republican Policy Committee in the Senate Issues Report on Vote Fraud
(snip) Congress should make certain that non-citizens are not illegally
registering and voting: only Americans should decide the results of
American elections. 
Congress should examine how states conduct early and absentee voting
and determine whether legislation is necessary to protect voters against
vote dilution through others' fraud.
1) When did Congress suddenly get the power to tell states who can have
the franchise?  Keyssar and others have pointed out that a number of US
states permitted non-citizen voting for a long time and that it only
went out with the anti-immigrant backlashes.

2) Why is vote dilution suddenly so bad?  Didn't Vieth just say that
vote dilution through gerrymandering is all but sacred?  (Or is it just
that vote dilution by "others" is bad ... where "others" means "Other
than us.")