Subject: news of the day 2/17/05 |
From: Rick Hasen |
Date: 2/17/2005, 8:26 AM |
To: election-law |
The New York Times offers this
The Sacramento Bee reports
that Common Cause may endorse Gov. Schwarzenegger's proposal to move to
commission-based redistricting. Meanwhile, there's more
talk of a marriage between redistricting reform and term limits
relaxation in California.
See here.
One observer views
the proposed reforms as a power grab by the Florida Secretary of State
against the counties.
BNA has this
very interesting report
(paid subscription required), which begins: "In a surprise move, the
Federal Election Commission has asked--and a federal judge has
granted--permission to reconsider its dismissal of an enforcement
complaint against a so-called Section 527 group that allegedly violated
campaign finance laws in a New Jersey congressional race (Kean for
Congress v. FEC, D. D.C., No. 04-007 (JDB), 2/15/05.) "
-- Professor Rick Hasen Loyola Law School 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211 (213)736-1466 - voice (213)380-3769 - fax