For translations of the election laws of several
post-Communist countries, go to
and click on the 'legislation' link. The search engine
is not in good health at the moment, but at least you
can scan the laws to find the relevant passages.
Kieran Williams
--- "Frederic C. Schaffer" <> wrote:
This recently published book might be a good place to
Louis Massicotte, Andre Blais, and Antoine Yoshinaka,
Establishing theRules of the Game: Election Laws in
Democracies. Toronto: Universityof Toronto Press,
At 12:22 PM 2/19/2005, you wrote:
Does anyone know of a referencebook or paper, or a
web site, that has election laws for countries other
than the U.S.? I am especially interested in knowing
the laws of other nations, on when candidates or
parties seeking a place on the ballot must file,
relative to the date of the election.
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