Subject: news of the day 2/23/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 2/23/2005, 8:52 AM
To: election-law

"Republicans allege 1,108 felons voted illegally in election"

The Seattle Times offers this report.

"Democrats Trail Republicans in Fund-Raising, Trials Show"

The New York Times offers this report.

"Panel Goes Easy on Shelley"

The Los Angeles Times offers this report, with the subhead: "Democrats decline to question the secretary of state on alleged misuse of federal funds because he is resigning. His office is reported on the mend."

"Public Financing Could End Pay to Play"

Steve Lopez writes this LA Times column.

"Another Session Brings More Messing with Elections"

See Mark Lane's column in the Daytona Beach News Journal.

Berman on Gerrymandering

Mitchell Berman has posted Managing Gerrymandering on SSRN, forthcoming in the Texas Law Review. The abstract:

Important Disclosure Case in California

A federal district court has upheld a California law requiring disclosure of spending in ballot measure campaigns. On remand from California Pro-Life Council, Inc. v. Getman, 323 F.3d 1088 (9th Cir. 2003), a federal district court has issued this opinion. >From the introduction:

The opinion is notable both for its discusion of the "information" interest supporting disclosure and for its discussion of the "major purpose test." I expect this case will be back at the Ninth Circuit soon. Litigation Update has just updated its list of election law cases pending (or recently completed) in the courts. It goes on for 48 pages of very small print. This is extremely useful for those of us following the ongoing litigation over election administration and other issues. Find it here.

"New 527 Bill Plugs Some Major Holes, but is it Constitutional?"

Donald Tobin offers this commentary. This commentary is notable because Tobin (and Ned Foley) had initially defended some regulation of independent expenditure committees as consistent with the First Amendment in a BNA article. But now Tobin writes of the new 527 bill: "Although the new McCain-Feingold legislation attempts to close some loopholes exploited by some advocacy group, there is a serious question whether the legislation as written is constitutional. Advocates need to provide strong evidence that contributions to 527 political organizations that engage in only a minimal level of federal advocacy pose significant corruption concerns to warrant the infringement on their First Amendment rights."

Single Subject Challenge to California's Stem Cell Initiative

See this A.P. report. I don't know any details on the basis for the single subject challenge yet.

"FEC Warns Right to Life"

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel offers this report.

Carney on Public Financing

Eliza Newman Carney writes Public Financing: Should It Stay or Should It Go? at National Journal.

Two interesting Sacramento Bee opeds

See Commission Would Ease Politicking by Mike Alvarez and Thad Hall (advocating a state electoral commission in California) and Rebuild Trust in Electoral Process by state Sen. Debra Bowen.

Campaign Legal Center Brief in Schwarzengger Fundraising Case

See here for an amicus brief arguing for the court to uphold the FPPC's newly enacted regulations imposing contribution limits on candidate-controlled ballot measure committees in California.

Guy Charles on The Supreme Court and Election Law

Guy Charles has posted Judging the Law of Politics on SSRN, forthcoming in the Michigan Law Review's annual book issue. Here is the abstract:

EAC Hearing at OSU

Looks like a fascinating line-up. See here.
Professor Rick Hasen 
Loyola Law School 
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