Unfortunately, I don't think there is a central resource ... Here's what we
have handy:
There was an excellent July 2001 report by GW's Institute for Communitarian
Policy Studies that did an early cost-benefit analysis of various
technologies, but it doesn't seem to be available anymore (dead link at
A recent report from New Yorkers for Verified Voting
(http://www.nyvv.org/doc/CostComparisons.pdf) lists some recent costs.
You can also find a copy of Seqouia's contract with Santa Clara County, CA
at http://verify.stanford.edu/dill/EVOTE/santaclaracontract.pdf.
Generally, however, cost data appears to surface anecdotally as part of
advocates' arguments for and against certain machines.
Anyone else with more comprehensive and/or reliable data is encouraged to
submit it to the list.
Doug Chapin
Director, electionline.org
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-election-law_gl@majordomo.lls.edu
[mailto:owner-election-law_gl@majordomo.lls.edu] On Behalf Of Steven Mulroy
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 3:31 PM
To: election-law@majordomo.lls.edu
Subject: Costs of Various Voting Systems
Does anyone know where I can find cost estimates for various models of
voting machines? Any help would be appreciated. SJM