Subject: news of the day 3/9/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 3/9/2005, 8:20 AM
To: election-law

Coverage of Yesterday's 527 hearing

A Sacramento Bee story is here. Peter Overby for NPR is here. Roll Call (paid subscription required) is here. Bob Bauer is here. Links to the Senate tesimony are here.

Waiting for the Court's Opinion in the Texas Redistricting Cases

A three judge court in Texas heard arguments in the Texas re-redistricting case on January 21. From this report of the oral argument, I expected a rather quick decision rejecting the plaintiffs' claims. I wonder if there is any significance to the delay in the opinion issuing.

Outsourcing the Initiative Process to India?

See here.

Prayers Apparently Answered

Following up on this post, it appears that the race for the second spot on L.A.'s mayoral runoff ballot won't be close enough to go to a recount. With about 24,000 (mainly absentee?) votes remaining to be counted, there is about a 5000 vote difference between candidates 2 and 3. (See here.) Last night before I went to sleep there were no results available, because of dense fog delaying the helicpoters delivering the votes to be counted. (See here.)

"Virtues of Optical Scan Voting"

The New York Times offers this editorial.

Who Funds Campaign Finance Reform?

Following up on this post, I now know the identity of the report I was thinking about. It is Who's Buying Campaign Finance 'Reform'? by Cleta Mitchell for the American Conservative Union.
Professor Rick Hasen 
Loyola Law School 
919 Albany Street 
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211 
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