Subject: Voting as Allocation of Power Among Political Equals, Or Voting as an Intelligence Test?
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 3/10/2005, 9:18 AM
To: election-law

Voting as Allocation of Power Among Political Equals, Or Voting as an Intelligence Test?

Bob Bauer recently remarked that if "FEC Commissioner Brad Smith did not exist, members of the reform community would work hard to invent him." In a similar spirit, I am glad that Jonah Goldberg has written this oped on ex-felon voting for the Los Angeles Times (link via Brian Leiter).

In my draft article on election administration reform, I discuss one of my three reform proposals---to couple universal voter registration conducted by the government with government-issued voter identification (VID). Part of my discussion deals with potential criticisms, and it includes the following:

One thoughtful reader of my draft argued that I should give contemporary examples of Republicans who maintain the notion that it should not be so easy to vote, believing that my characterization was unfair. (I do offer a quote from the Texas attorney general in 1971 (who I assume was a Democrat, but I have not checked), who defended his state's onerous voter registraion requirements as follows: “those who overcome the annual hurdle of registering at a time remote to the fall elections will more likely be better informed and have greater capabilities of making an intelligent choice than those who do not care enough to register.”) But would a contemporary thinker make such an argument? Consider Goldberg's statement from the oped:

My question is, how widespread is sentiment for Goldberg's notion? Should voting be viewed as an intelligence test rather than the means for allocating power among political equals? And even if one wants to exclude "uninformed louts," are felon disenfranchisement rules and onerous registration requirements the best way to do so? There may be good arguments for continued disenfranchisement of felons, but I would hope that this kind of argument is completely unacceptable in today's society.
Professor Rick Hasen 
Loyola Law School 
919 Albany Street 
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