Subject: news of the day 3/14/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 3/14/2005, 9:43 AM
To: election-law

"Picture ID debate gets heated"

The Atlanta Journal Constitution offers this report, with the subhead: "Some lawmakers say bill could be disenfranchising."

"Democrats Mull Primary Schedule Changes"

A.P. offers this report.

"How to have clean and complete voter rolls"

Rob Richie and Steven Hill offer this oped calling for universal voter registration.

Redistricting by Commission in Ohio?

See here.

"How the State Lost Its Swing"

Here is the latest LA Times oped in its "Crooked Line" series on California redistricitng reform.

$10 Per Signature for Petition Circulators in California?

See here.

"Tribal Casinos Gaining Influence with Mounting Piles of Contributions"

Gambling Magazine offers this report.

"Penn. Counties Fumble Voting Study"

See this report, with the subhead: "With 18 not responding, state misses chance to find out what works, what doesn't."

"Blacks Rally for Voting Rights Act"

A.P. offers this report, with the subhead: "Re-enactment of famous march pressures Congress to renew act in ’07." See also this Washington Post report.

"Voting Laws Get Close Look"

See this election law news from New Hampshire.

"Dream Palace of the Goo-Goos"

Scott Johnson writes this article for the Weekly Standard, which discusses the recent controversy over FEC regulation of blogging and the Internet.

Professor Rick Hasen 
Loyola Law School 
919 Albany Street 
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211 
(213)736-1466 - voice 
(213)380-3769 - fax