Subject: news of the day 4/1/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 4/1/2005, 9:39 AM
To: election-law

Moorpark voting records under scrutiny by DOJ"

The Los Angeles Daily News offers this report, which begins: "MOORPARK - The U.S. Department of Justice is reviewing decades of voting records in what city officials speculate could be an inquiry to determine whether Moorpark's election system favors whites over Latinos." In potentially related news, the San Francisco Chronicle offers Minority voting rights law declared unconstitutional. It begins: "A 2002 state law that lets minority voters challenge at-large elections for city council, school board and other local offices has been ruled unconstitutional by a Modesto judge, who said it discriminates by race and ethnicity." Morgan Kousser had sent me the tentative ruling in this case. If someone sends me the final ruling, I'll post it.

"McCain-Feingold in Cyberspace" Video and Audio Now Available

The event was held yesterday and broadcast on C-SPAN. Video and audio links are here. Mike Krempasky, one of the panelists, reflects on the panel here.

"Georgia Lawmakers Pass Demand for Voter Photo ID"

The New York Times offers this report.

Ohio Union Opinion Now Available

Following up on this post, you can now view the Ohio union contribution case at this link. Thanks to Justin Levitt for the file. The decision has a very interesting discussion of the union issue in relation to Beaumont and McConnell.

Film on Election to Screen at Film Festival

The following announcment arrived via e-mail from Matt Kohn:

"Voting glitches found in 6 recent elections"

The Miami Herald offers this report, with the subhead: "A computer error failed to count votes during the March 8 special election, calling into question five other local elections -- and the future of the county's elections supervisor." Thanks to's weekly report for the link.

Rick Hasen

Rick Hasen

William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law

Loyola Law School

919 Albany Street

Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211

(213)736-1466 - voice

(213)380-3769 - fax