Subject: news of the day 4/4/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 4/4/2005, 8:35 AM
To: election-law

"No Rest for the Elected"

The Los Angeles Times offers this front-page report.

"Feingold Using Leadership PAC to Raise Profile"

AP offers this report, which begins: "U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold, whose name has become synonymous with campaign finance reform, is raising both his profile and thousands of dollars with his new leadership political action committee."

"Companies bypass campaign caps"

The Baltimore Sun offers this report, with the subhead: " Developer leads donors in use of related entities to spread political funds; Bill to close loophole languishes." See also Other states act to prohibit, limit corporate contributions.

Cert Denied in 4th Circuit Influence District Case

Included in today's Supreme Court order list is a denial of cert. in Hall v. Virginia (cert petition here), which raised the following question: "Whether minority plaintiffs challenging electoral districts under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1973(b), fail to state a vote dilution claim where they allege that members of their minority group have the ability to 'elect representatives of their own choice' in a single-member district, but do not allege that their minority group constitutes an arithmetical majority of the population in that district."

The Court failed to issue an opinion in the party primary case, Clingman v. Beaver. The next possible date for an opinion is April 19.
Rick Hasen

Rick Hasen

William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law

Loyola Law School

919 Albany Street

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