Subject: news of the day 4/14/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 4/14/2005, 7:35 AM
To: election-law

"Political Payrolls Include Families"

The LA Times offers this front-page report, with the subhead: "Dozens of members of Congress have paid relatives for campaign work, records show. The practice, though legal, is coming under scrutiny."

" Let Forrester debate, rules state panel"

See this news from New Jersey.

Mend It, Don't End It?

Bob Bauer here on the presidential public financing system.

"11th Circuit Upholds Fla. Law Barring Ex-Felons From Voting" offers this report.

More Signs that Congress May Preempt the FEC's Rulemaking on Internet-Based Election Activities

See here. I have suggested Congressional action is fairly likely in this regard.

Bloggers as Journalists: A Cautionary Tale from San Francisco

Don't miss this article in the Bay Guardian. Thanks to Ned Wigglesworth for the pointer. UPDATE: And don't miss this piece on how bloggers are being paid to generate traffic to their sites.

"Prosecutor to probe Cuyahoga County recount"

The Akron Beacon-Journal offers this report, which begins: "Erie County Prosecutor Kevin J. Baxter is investigating whether the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections broke the law in its recount of ballots from the November presidential election." According to the article, "The complaints allege that the board violated state law because the precincts it recounted were neither randomly selected nor was the opening of ballots properly witnessed." Thanks to Candice Hoke for the pointer.

Nolan and Krempasky Debate Disclosure on Blogs that A Blogger is Paid By a Campaign

See here and here.

Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax