Subject: news of the day 4/19/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 4/19/2005, 9:26 AM
To: election-law

"Piling On More Rules Threatens Freedoms"

James Pinkerton offers this commentary in part on possible FEC regulation of blogging.

"New Campaign-Finance-Reform Follies"

Byron York offers this National Review Online column, with the subhead: "527s? That’s so over. Now, the big money is going somewhere else."

More Opinions in Controversial 2d Circuit Campaign Finance Case

Howard Bashman has the details here on the Landell case (my earlier coverage here), including a particularly sharp footnote directed against one of the dissenting judges. NRVI has also posted this analysis, which does not include analysis of the additional opinions issued yesterday.

"Buzz Gets Louder For Tighter Reins On Lobbyists"

Jeff Birnbaum offers this Washington Post column. Thanks to Bill Corbett for the pointer.

Two from Bauer

Bob Bauer has posted At the Altar of Disclsoure (on why we might not want compelled disclosure as a matter of policy and constitutional law) and this post on an upcoming House hearing on 527 legislation.

NYT Editorializes Against Fusion

See here. Thanks to Nate Persily for the pointer.

British Labor Party Considers Alternatives to First Past the Post

See here. Thanks to Jeff Hauser for the link.

Coverage of First Carter-Baker Commission Hearing

The Washington Post offers this report. See also this NPR audio report, A.P. Fox News, Roll Call, and Bloomberg. You can find the prepared testimony of yesterday's witnesses here. If someone has a link to the C-SPAN coverage, please send it along and I'll link it here.
Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 – fax