Demos did a fairly exhaustive search to document such cases in 2003. You can find it at:
There has been very little systematic evidence of any widespread individual voter fraud (as opposed to election official, campaign or machine fraud). I also have found little other systematic study of the issue.
Ari Weisbard
Policy Analyst
Demos:Ê A Network for Ideas & Action
220 5th Avenue, 5th Floor
New York, NYÊ 10001
Phone:Ê 212-419-8774
FAX:ÊÊÊÊ 212-633-2015
-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Mulroy []
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:09 PM
Cc: election-law
Subject: Evidence Of Voter Fraud
I have been reading about the GOP proposals for photo ID requirements
for all voters, and also calls for a national registration ID (with
photos and fingerprints, according to some accounts). I was wondering
who has data quantifying the actual amount of voter fraud (as opposed to
fraud by voting officials) which has occurred in recent years. I recall
asking this in the past and not getting anything specific; is there new
evidence? SJM