Subject: news of the day 5/12/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 5/12/2005, 6:17 AM
To: election-law

"Yolo's registrar takes on governor"

The Sacramento Bee offers this report, with the subhead: "She says only a judge could make her hold a $300,000 special election in November."

"N.C. House Panel Recommends Instant Runoff Pilots"

A.P. offers this report.

Illinois Governor Proposes Campaign Finance Reform Package

Details here. See also this Chicago Tribune report.

Cleta Mitchell on the Texas Campaign Finance Trial

See here.

A Calabresi Concurrence in the Landell Order Denying En Banc Reconsideration

Don't miss the very interesting thoughts on campaign finance reform (including vouchers) put forward by Judge Calabresi.

" A Modest Proposal for Campaign Finance Reform"

See this post by Matt Johnson on campaign finance reform.

"Inquiry finds evidence of fraud in election"

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel offers this very interesting report. Thanks to Jonathan Adler for the link.

"Dems do the math, say Rossi still loses"

The Seattle Times offers this report.
Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax