Subject: news of the day 5/26/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 5/26/2005, 8:23 AM
To: election-law

Washington Trial: Day 3 Recap

See here.

"Poll rejects special election; Voters prefer regular ballot in June 2006"

The Los Angeles Daily News offers this report. The poll is here. In somewhat related commentary, Michael Hiltzik writes Touting Initiatives, Eschewing Principles in the LA Times.

"White House rebukes Rep. Weldon over fundraising tours"

A.P. offers this report, which begins: "U.S. Rep. Dave Weldon has received a scolding from the Bush administration over his fundraising letter promising donors a White House tour if they bought $2,500 tickets to a dinner honoring the president."

"Amway's ruling families are biggest political spenders, study finds"

A.P. offers this report, based upon this fascinating new report from the Center for Public Integrity. Roll Call also offers this story (paid subscription required) on the study.

Bauer on the As-Applied BCRA Case (WRTL)

See here. My earlier coverage is here.

"A Second Look at Third Parties: Correcting the Supreme Court's Understanding of Elections"

Dmitri Evseev has posted this draft on SSRN (forthcoming Boston University Law Review). Here is the abstract:

"Council says no to mail-in election"

See this report from the San Diego Union-Tribune on the special election to replace resigning mayor Dick Murphy. See also this earlier coverage.

"Score of counties join suit on vote-machine deadline"

A.P. offers this report from Ohio, which begins: "At least 20 counties have joined a voting-machine maker's lawsuit to extend the state's deadline for qualifying touch-screen systems and the judge in the case has given other counties until Friday to join it."

Appeal in As-Applied Challenge to BCRA

UDPATE: You can find links to some earlier SCOTUSblog posts on this case here.
Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax