I think there were some section 5 VRA posts a little while ago, but I
was wondering if anybody knew of a good place to to look for examples
of the types of settlements-new election plans- that have come out of
section 5 preclearance being denied and communities working out new
plans to satisfy VRA.
Peter Goldwasser
Legal Intern
Rick Hasen wrote:
"Tied Up in Knots"
See this editorial
from the /Arizona Republic/ on state voter i.d. rules.
"The Reform that Isn't"
Harold Myerson writes this article
<http://www.prospect.org/web/view-web.ww?id=9881> for /The American
Prospect/, with the subhead: "Chutzpah Department: Invoking
McCain-Feingold, House and Senate Republicans want to put progressive
527s out of business."
"Dems stiffed counties on costs of recall election"
See this column
by Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross in the /San Francisco Chronicle/.
Bauer Responds to Toner oped
See here <http://www.moresoftmoneyhardlaw.com/articles/20050620.cfm>.
"Iowa Governor Will Give Felons the Right to Vote"
The /New York Times/ offers this report
<http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/18/national/18iowa.html>. See also
this report
from the /Des Moines Register/.
Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax
rick.hasen@lls.edu <mailto:rick.hasen@lls.edu>