Subject: source on selection of local election administrators
From: Rebecca B Morton
Date: 6/22/2005, 8:09 AM
To: Rick Hasen , jtrounst@Princeton.EDU
CC: election-law <>

Dear Colleagues

Does anyone know of a source on the types of selection procedures of local election administators across states 
and localities in the U.S.?  I.e. I am interested in whether local registrars are appointed by state or local officials 
(and if those officials are elected), whether they are civil service or non civil service employees, and the extent 
that partisanship is allowed or part of the process of administrator appointment.  Thanks, Becky

Professor R. B. Morton
Department of Politics
New York University
726 Broadway, 7th Floor
New York, NY  10003
voice: 212-998-3706
sec:  212-998-8500
fax:  212-995-4184
Directions to my office:
Enter at 418 Lafayette & take elevator to 7th floor.
Harder directions:
Enter at 726 Broadway, take elevator to 6th floor
and follow signs to stairs to 7th floor and politics dept.