The election
law listserv has now grown to over 500 members. The purpose of this
message is to ask for your help to keep things running smoothly and to
let you know how to update information for two relevant databases.
1. Please make sure that you don't let your mailboxes receiving
election law listserv messages get overloaded and that if you wish to
post a message from the list, you post from exactly the e-mail address
to which you are subscribed. Dan Lowenstein and I receive a bounce
message *every single time* any list member gets any message that is
over quota or when a member tries to post from a different e-mail
address. When you try to post, the listserv recognizes only the
*exact* e-mail address from which you are subscribed. For example, we
have many subscribers from NYU. You may think you are subscribed as, when in fact the listserv computer recognized you
with a different address, such as If you
want to see a list of subscriber e-mails, fill out the form here and it
will be e-mailed to you:
2. The election law addressbook has now been improved and is easier to
use. It allows you to access names, addresses, and e-mails of listserv
members, and has a feature for printing mailing labels for reprints
etc. So far, only 73 members of the listserv have added their
information to the file. Please add your information if you want to be
on the list, and update your information if it is out of date. You can
access the addressbook here:
The user id is: election
The password is the same password as before. If you need it, send a
private message to my assistant, Betty Put
"password" in the subject of the e-mail.
3. It is now time to update the election law teacher database. The
current version of the database is here:
If you have information to add or change, send a private message to my
assistant, Betty Kinuthia. Put "teacher database" in the subject of the
Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 – fax