Subject: news of the day 6/29/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 6/29/2005, 7:34 AM
To: election-law

"Felon plan seen as political"

The Des Moines Register offers this report, which begins: "Gov. Tom Vilsack insists politics played no part in his plan to restore voting rights to all Iowa felons, a move nonetheless loaded with political ramifications."

"FEC Wrestles With Internet Regs"

Roll Call offers this report (paid subscription required), which begins: "At the end of the first of two days of hearings on how — or if — the Federal Election Commission is going to regulate political activity on the Internet one thing was clear: The idea provokes a near-universal disquietude even among those who have traditionally embraced increased regulation as a way to mitigate the corrupting influence of money on federal campaigns." In somewhat related news, this column notes that Rep. Marty Meehan has started a website against the Pence-Wynn bill. Unfortunately, the website's address is not given in the article.

"Dan Walters: Senate's redistricting scheme is even worse than status quo"

See this Sacramento Bee column.

"Diebold Revisited: Council Should Stand for Equal Protection"

The Daytona Beach News-Journal offers this editorial.

"Top-Two" Primary Controversy Continues in Washington State

See this report.

New York Sun Editorial on NYC Majority-Minority District

See here.

A Second Majority Minority L.A. County District?

This report says a new section 2 lawsuit has been filed.

Peter Kirsanow on DNC Proposed Election Changes

See this National Review Online column criticizing the recent DNC set of recommendations for election reform.

Bauer on Yesterday's FEC Hearing on Internet Regulation

See here.

Jerome Armstrong Live Blogging From FEC Hearings

See here.

"Bloggers Fighting Government Regulations"

UPDATE: Commissioner Weintraub's statement is here.

Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax