Subject: Civil rights / voting rights critique of presidential elections
From: Rob Richie
Date: 8/2/2005, 3:33 PM
To: election-law


I thought some of you would want to see our new report which I think provides a very important new critique of a very old problem: our state-by-state Electoral College method. I think it's hard to come away from reading this report without believing we shouldn't be talking about direct election of the president. Our findings about the "two-tier democracy" should be particularly troubling for anyone believing in political equality. See "The Shrinking Battlefield: Presidential Elections in 2008 and Beyond" linked from:

Some of you might be interested in other reports we've done recently -- including updated "Dubious  Democracy" collecxtion of state-by-state statistics that make it clear we are in the midst of the least competitive congressional elections in history at:

and a state-by-state guide to redistricting legislation at:

Some of our highlighted findings from "Shrinking Battlefield" are below.

best regards,
Rob Richie, FairVote - The Center for Voting and Democracy

A shrinking battleground:

Partisan consequences:

Civic consequences: