Subject: news of the day 8/4/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 8/4/2005, 9:49 AM
To: election-law

New York Times Publishes Major Article on Judge Roberts' 1982 VRA Papers

The article is here. It draws on many of the same sources I used in my Los Angeles Times oped yesterday.

Tokaji on AVCR Report

Don't miss this post about a controversial new report on election administration problems.

"Daniel Weintraub: Special election campaign off to a pricey start"

See this Sacramento Bee column.

The "Lonely Centrist" on My Oped on Judge Roberts

The "Lonely Centrist" is an anonymously run blog written since July by someone who obviously knows a great deal about election law. He describes himself as "a midwesterner who has lived in the South, the Southwest, and Northeast, in areas rural, suburban, and urban."

Lonely? Perhaps. Centrist? Not so much. In this post he asks "Why is it that when I talk with my conservative friends I feel so liberal, and when I talk with my liberal friends I feel so conservative?" But when you read his critique of my oped on Judge Roberts, he seems more in line with Justice Thomas than with any definition of the center that I know.

First Circuit En Banc Rejects Puerto Rico Right to Vote for President

The A.P. report is here. The opinion is here. There were 2 dissenters.

"Posting Error Dooms Challenge to Mayor's Bid To Appear on Independence Line"

The NY Sun offers this report (paid subscription required).

"Voting Rights Act, at 40, Faces Reauthorization Amid Topsy-Turvy Politics"

Newhouse News Service offers this very interesting report. See also this report from KRT.

"FEC: Follow the Law"

The Washington Post offers this editorial.

Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax