On August 2, President Bush signed HR 2985 into law,
which includes a provision that if 100 or more members
of the US House die, states must hold special
elections to fill the vacancies within 47 days.
It's rare for congress to pass laws telling states how
to conduct their congressional elections. I would
have thought there would have been more news attention
to this development. Perhaps the lack of news
reflects the view that we in this country really don't
think it at all likely that there will ever be an
incident that causes 100 or more members of the House
to die. So people think, this law makes no difference
because it will never happen...hence no news coverage.
I favor federal laws to govern the administration of
congressional and presidential elections, though, so
to me the significance of HR 2985 is that it is one
more baby-step in that direction.
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