Subject: Hurricane Katrina, The PresidentÕs Low Approval Ratings and the Next Supreme Court Nominee: Beyond the Conventional Wisdom
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 9/8/2005, 10:14 PM
To: election-law

This is a bit off-topic for the election law list, but those interested can click on the link below to read the rest of this post. (By the way, I would be interested in hearing in private messages whether I should or should not continue to send posts on Supreme Court nominations to the list.)

Hurricane Katrina, The PresidentÕs Low Approval Ratings and the Next Supreme Court Nominee: Beyond the Conventional Wisdom

This post follows up on an earlier post in which I described the choice facing President Bush in filling the vacancy created by Justice OÕConnorÕs imminent retirement. I noted that the President was likely to choose a minority and/or a woman to fill the seat, and that he has to make a fundamental choice between a nominee likely to please his base by moving the Court to the right, thereby risking the trigger of the Ònuclear optionÓ in the Senate, and a more centrist nominee that could potentially preserve the status quo ideological balance on the Court. I suggested D.C. Circuit Judge Janet Rogers Brown as someone fitting into the former category and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales as fitting into the latter category. As IÕll explain, I now think the President is likely to go a third way.

Click here to continue reading this post:

Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-0019
(213)736-1466 - voice
(213)380-3769 - fax