Subject: Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/7/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 10/7/2005, 8:24 AM
To: election-law

"Redistricting initiative would set state apart; But opponents blast Proposition 77 as a 'reckless experiment'"

The SF Chronicle offers this report. In somewhat related news, the LA Times offers Campaign Finance Laws Vex Gov., Foes.

"Life Without the Critical Fifth Vote"

The National Law Journal offers this report, which includes an extensive discussion of the campaign finance cases the Supreme Court will hear this term, with or without Justice O'Connor.

"E-voting hobbled by security concerns"

C|NET News offers this report.

Miers' Role in 2000 Election Litigation

See this Wall Street Journal report (offered without registration), which begins: "President Bush cites many accomplishments of Harriet Miers to explain her nomination to the Supreme Court. One the White House doesn't mention is her successful argument during the disputed 2000 election that Dick Cheney is definitely not a Texan."

"Results cast doubt on future of election financing initiative" offers this report, which begins: "The pilot program for "Clean and Fair Elections" fell well short of its goal this year, and the commission overseeing it remained noncommittal yesterday on how, or if, it will be used in the 2007 state Senate elections." Thanks to Bill Corbett for the pointer.

"The Future of Campaign Finance: Congress, the FEC, and the Courts"

The following invitation arrived via e-mail:

"Federal Judge Quashes Subpoenas Issued to Reform Groups in Campaign Finance Case"

The Campaign Legal Center has issued this very interesting press release, which begins:

More on Miers and Election Law

See Bob Bauer here and this KRT report (link via Ed Still).

"The Biggest Election Case Since Bush v. Gore?"

See Ned Foley's Electionlaw@Moritz comment, Federal Courts Should Not Run State Elections, on League of Women Voters v. Blackwell. Foley suggests the case may be quite significant.

Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax