Subject: Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/18/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 10/18/2005, 8:42 AM
To: election-law

Breaking News: Court Issues Preliminary Injunction Barring Georgia's Voter Identification Law

I have received only the fourth (and final) portion of the court's 123 page opinion and order. It is too large to post. In the part I have seen, the court holds that the Georgia plan constitutes an unconstitutional poll tax. The court declined to find that plaintiffs could prove a violation of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, but reserved judgment on the issue until the full trial.
>From the court's summary:

Footnote 10 reads:

I fully expect an appeal to the Eleventh Circuit, where this ruling's fate is uncertain.

"Chvala says he ran state campaign fund"

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel offers this report.

"Lockyer sues county over polling stations"

See this news from California about a new ADA lawsuit.

"Prop. 77 inspires unusual alliances"

The San Jose Mercury News offers this report.

Are we all Chuck Schumer Now?

This is the strongest evidence yet that conservatives will no longer be able to disagree with Democrats such as Sen. Charles Schumer who contend that ideology is a legitimate criterion for Senators to consider in deciding whether to support or oppose a judicial nominee.

Will Congress Use VRA Renewal to Undo Georgia v. Ashcroft?

See this AP report. In addition, I think the request for a 25-year extension is likely an opening number, and if it actually made it through could well undermine Section 5's constitutionality in the Supreme Court. Remember, comments are now open.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 02:31 PM | Comments (2)

Comments appear to be working

Give it a try if you have something to add. Comments should be forwarded to me for approval, so that I can keep spam out.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 12:21 PM | Comments (1)
Rick Hasen 
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School 
919 Albany Street 
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211 
(213)736-1466 - voice 
(213)380-3769 - fax