Subject: Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/19/05
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 10/19/2005, 8:22 AM
To: election-law

News and Commentary on Georgia Voter ID Decision

See A.P.; the Atlanta Journal-Constitution; the New York Times (editorial); Bob Bauer (commentary, also on leadership PAC issue in Congress). You can find the entire opinion here.

"Activists seek say in voting rights changes"

The Monterey Herald (CA) offers this report.

"Despite gains, Voting Rights Act is still a necessity"

Former member of Congress Jack Kemp has written this oped. In testimony before a House Committee yeterday, Kemp took the position that ex-felons should get their voting rights restored.

Miers' Deposition in the Dallas Voting Rights Litigation is Now Available

You can find it here. One blogger points to an answer by Ms. Miers that suggests she not only had failed to read Chandler Davidson's book on voting rights, but she had not read any entire book in some time. Thanks to Luke McLoughlin for the pointers.

Lots of Good Stuff Up on Moritz Election Law Site

Here is Dan Tokaji on "The Moneyball Approach to Election Reform."

Here is Ned Foley's analysis of the Vermont spending limits case pending before the Supreme Court.

Here (with no apparent apologies to David Letterman) is "The Top 10 Unresolved Election Law Questions."

"Court upholds congressional map, legislative districts to get new look"

A.P. offers this report from Arizona. The opinion is here. Thanks to Steven Reyes for the links.

"Study on 77's Effects Withheld"

Dan Weintraub has posted this very interesting item on his blog. (See this announcement at the IGS website.) Meanwhile, the debate over Kos's support of Prop. 77 continues.

Posted by Rick Hasen at 01:53 PM | Comments (1)
Rick Hasen 
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School 
919 Albany Street 
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211 
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