Subject: Electionlawblog news and commentary 10/27/05 |
From: Rick Hasen |
Date: 10/27/2005, 6:43 AM |
To: election-law |
Regular blogging on Monday.
Morton Kondracke writes To
Tame Polarization of Politics, Fix Our Redistricting System.
Michael McDonald and Kim Brace write EAC
Survey Sheds Light on Election Administration. Paid subscription
This is the ultimate inside baseball moment for those in campaign
finance reform. The battle is so vicious, but who else outside of our
area of this world would care?
Indeed, as
predicted, the pretext
is a dispute over executive privilege. I figured something was up when
Miers was late (again) with her answers to the questionnaire. Now we'll
see if my next set of predictions is right: President Bush nominates a
strong incendiary conservative who will be blocked by the Gang of 14
but rally Bush's base.
-- Rick Hasen William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law Loyola Law School 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211 (213)736-1466 (213)380-3769 - fax