Subject: Rhodes Cook Letter
From: "" <>
Date: 12/10/2005, 12:54 PM

Perhaps some on this list aren't aware, but might be
interested, in the Rhodes Cook Letter.  A typical
issue is 24 pages and can be delivered electronically
or by postal mail.  Six issues per year, $99 per year.
 It is about 5 years old.  Rhodes Cook is also the
author of America Votes, published by Congressional
Quarterly, the leading reference book for election

The November 2005 Rhodes Cook Letter has this Table of
Contents:  I. An Eventful Year (2005).  Chart & Graph,
lowest Gallup presidential approval ratings since FDR.
 Chart:  Nov. 2005 NJ, Va gub., New York city election
returns.  Chart & Map, Virginia's fastest-growing
counties, how they voted.  Chart & Graph, NJ, Va gub.
results since 1981.  Chart, Voter Turnout in 2005. 
Chart, a sampling of 2005 ballot measures.  Chart &
Map, Arnold and his Propositions.  Chart, fall 2005
party registration totals.  Chart & map, the gay
marriage ban, state-by-state votes, 04, 05.  Chart,
Gay Marriage Ban (lists and describes the only 10
counties in the U.S. that have voted against same-sex
marriage bans).

II.  For the Record.  Chart:  Key members of Congress,
their military service & vote on Iraq.  Three Charts: 
Senate Democrats and Major Confirmation Votes.

III.  In the News.  Chart:  what's up in 2006.  Chart:
 changes in composition of the 109th congress.

Rhodes Cook's e-mail is  His
postal address is Bx 574, Annandale Va 22003.

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