Subject: Re: Publishers/Editors as Candidates
From: Jason Torchinsky
Date: 12/15/2005, 4:05 PM
To: "Smithson, Charlie \[IECD\]" <>,


  You might want to check out FEC v. Forbes (S.D.N.Y),
98-CIV-6148.  The FEC wound up dismissing the case
before it got too far.  Here are two statements of
reasons from FEC commissioners discussing the issues:

- Jason Torchinsky

Jason Torchinsky
HoltzmanVogel PLLC
98 Alexandria Pike
Suite 53
Warrenton, VA 20186
Office: (540) 341-8808
Cell: (202) 302-6768

--- "Smithson, Charlie [IECD]"
<> wrote:

If any of you have information on the application of
federal or state campaign laws to the following
situation that you could send me would be

publisher/editor of a media organization also being
a candidate for public office.  It has been alleged
that the individual than misused his newspaper
(corporate contribution) in advocating for or
against his campaign. 
You can send private replies to:
Thank you.

Charlie Smithson 
Executive Director & Legal Counsel 
Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board 
510 E. 12th Street, Suite 1A
Des Moines, Iowa 50319 
(515) 281-3489 
(515) 281-3701 fax 


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