Subject: Wilmington Massacre and Colfax Massacre
From: "J. Morgan Kousser" <kousser@HSS.CALTECH.EDU>
Date: 12/16/2005, 3:39 PM
To: election-law

<x-flowed>         Election Law List afficianados will recognize that the Charlotte Observer is wrong to state that the 1898 Wilmington Massacre was the only violent overthrow of a government in U.S. history.  There were lots during Reconstruction, most notably the Colfax Massacre in Grant Parish, Louisiana, in which a paramilitary group, led by the defeated Democratic candidate for sheriff, overthrew the elected government and killed perhaps 105 African-Americans, about 40 of whom were shot after they had surrendered on Easter Sunday, 1873.  The federal district attorney prosecuted 9 men, a southern jury convicted them, and the Supreme Court, in one of its most shameful manipulations of the law to preserve white supremacy, let them go.  The case is U.S. v. Cruickshank (1876).  I have a long unpublished discussion of the case in a review of Robert Goldman's book on the subject, which I'll be happy to send anyone who's interested.

Prof. of History and Social Science, Caltech
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          "Peace if possible, Justice at any rate" -- Wendell Phillips
