Subject: Electionlawblog news and commentary 12/21/05 (last of the year) |
From: Rick Hasen |
Date: 12/21/2005, 7:56 AM |
To: election-law |
I have also temporariliy turned off comments, so that I don't have to wade through the literally hundreds of spam comments that come to this blog each week.
Enjoy the winter break; see you on January 2.
See this
news from Louisiana. Thanks to Jeff Wice for the link.
The Orlando Sentinel offers this
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution offers this
report. At issue is what counts as a valid write-in vote.
Roll Call offers this
report (paid subscription required), which begins: "After failing
in their last-ditch effort to attach 527 legislation to a must-pass
bill earlier this week, House Republican leaders plan to make
restricting the activities of the fundraising groups a key part of
their early 2006 agenda. ...After the House adjourned Monday morning,
Hastert sent out a press release lauding the year’s accomplishments.
In a brief look ahead to next year, Hastert named as top priorities
passing tax reconciliation, doing further work on immigration and
'curbing the abuses of 527 organizations.'"
The Campaign Legal Center has posted
four amicus briefs supporting the FEC in the Wisconsin Right to Life
case. So far, I can't find a link to the government's brief, due
yesterday. UPDATE: The government's brief is here.
-- Rick Hasen William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law Loyola Law School 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211 (213)736-1466 (213)380-3769 - fax