Subject: anyone attending the US Supreme Court double-header?
From: "" <>
Date: 12/22/2005, 2:35 PM

Is anyone on this list planning to be in the audience
in the US Supreme Court on Feb. 28, 2006, for Lendell
v Sorrell (Vermont case on expenditure limits) and
then March 1, 2006, for the Texas redistricting cases?
 In the past, the US Supreme Court clerk's office has
recognized my newsletter, Ballot Access News, as
"press", so I have sat in the press section, up front,
along the sides.  The clerk's office in the past has
let me designate someone other than myself to be my
reporter.  Maybe someone who is planning to be there
anyway, but who doesn't have the ability to get a
reserved seat and doesn't want to stand in line
outside in the cold, could be my reporter.  People
admitted to the press section wait in the press room
prior to being taken into the chamber, which is better
than standing outside in a line with no bathroom

Since I'm "minor" press, as opposed to "major" press,
and since there will be many reporters desiring
admission those days, you almost certainly wouldn't
get the front row and maybe not the second row, but
there is a third row, although it is sometimes
difficult to see from the third row.

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