During recent list discussions of same-day voter registration, there was also conversation about state-distributed voter education materials. A few posters mentioned data from from studies showing what voters rely on in making their voting decisions. Does anyone have access to research into the most effective time frame for using various types of communications to reach voters? I.e., information about whether mail is most effective within a certain window, and does it differ from the effective time frame for phone calls, broadcast or print media, etc.
I'm shamelessly trying to short-cut some research, and would be greatful for any pointers. Conventional wisdom from those with campaign experience would also be helpful, in additional to scholarly research. Please feel free to reply off-list, to bkingsley@harmoncurran.com.
Happy new year to all,
Elizabeth Kingsley
Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Eisenberg, LLP
1726 M St., NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036