Subject: Electionlawblog news and commentary 2/2/06
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 2/2/2006, 8:41 AM
To: election-law

"Bill Would Give the Public More Power to Buy Politicians"

George Skelton writes this LA Times column.

Interesting Posts by Dan Tokaji

If you haven't visited the Equal Vote blog lately, you might check out these posts: Ohio's Election Bill Signed Into Law, Provisional Ballots in Ohio, A Strange Take on Texas, and Why Congress Should Reexamine Preclearance.

"Lobbying Changes Divide House GOP; Many Resist Leaders' Proposed Reforms"

The Washington Post offers this report. Meanwhile, Dana Milbank writes of plans to "kick some old guys out of the House gymnasium." Roll Call (paid subscription required) reports that "Despite bipartisan rumblings of dissent, the House waded into a weeks-long drive to reform lobbying laws Wednesday by overwhelmingly approving a measure to revoke the floor and gym access of former lawmakers who become lobbyists."

"Protecting the vote"

Dean Mundy offers this Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel column, which begins: "The recent tire-slashing case garnered great notoriety far beyond southeastern Wisconsin."

"City's campaign-finance law comes under candidates' fire"

The Philadelphia Inquirer offers this report, which begins: "Philadelphia's ordinance to regulate campaign spending was under siege yesterday after its first major test, beset by questions over its legality and confusion about the meaning of the word candidate.

"Local legislator irate over voting ID bill"

See this news from New Hampshire.

"Partisan Chicanery"

Stephen Goldstein offers this South Florida Sun-Sentinel column, which begins: "With statewide elections looming in November, think doom and gloom. Going on six years after the 2000 presidential debacle, if you vote in Florida, you should still assume that your ballot may not be counted or matter -- especially if you're a Democrat." It refers to this book on Florida 2000 by Lance Dehaven-Smith<.

Hearing Set in WRTL Case

Jim Bopp reports that "the 3 judge DC District Court panel has set a hearing in Wisconsin Right to Life v. Federal Election Commission for Friday, February 17 at 3:30 pm."

More Texas Redistricting Briefs

The State of Texas's brief is here. The Republican Party of Texas's brief is here. I have uploaded this amicus brief supporting Texas on the voting rights issues from Edward Blum and Roger Clegg. Meanwhile, the Washington Post offers White House Defends Texas's GOP Remapping Plan to Justices about the SG's brief supporting Texas filed yesterday.

Rick Hasen 
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School 
919 Albany Street 
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211 
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