In Dan's posting on Election Law @ Moritz, he calls Kennedy's vote in
Vieth "remarkably irresponsible".
Two points, one maybe just a curiosity: Kennedy invited a new
approach. Mightn't that be viewed as adopting (or close to) Rick
Hasen's position that the courts more often should allow exploration and
experimentation rather than requiring X or barring Y?
Other point: When Kennedy suggested in Vieth that perhaps the First
Amendment is a more promising lens for redistricting, I (and others)
thought that unhelpful. But might the current Texas case bring a
Kennedy "I told you so"? Mightn't he say that Texas's latest
districting isn't a matter of hyper-partisanship but instead
discriminates against ticket-splitters, i.e., people who vote one way
for President and opposite for Congress, or who like particular
incumbents despite not liking their party? The facts, I believe, are
In 2000, of Texas's 30 congressional districts, Bush won 20, 16 of
them by better than his state-wide vote of 59%. But Dems won USHouse
seats in 17 districts, including seven that Bush had won. Obviously,
lotsa ticket-splitting, of course attributable in at least large part to
In 2002, of Texas's now 32 districts, Bush in 2000 had won 21, and
19 of those by better than his state-wide vote. But Dems again won 17
In 2004, of the 32 districts, Bush won 23, with 22 of those by
better than his state-wide vote. And with the new districting, Dems won
only 11 seats-- two of which Bush had won and one of which he'd won by
at least his statewide margin, 59%.
?? Thanx for your moment.... R
Roy A. Schotland
Georgetown U. Law Ctr.
600 New Jersey Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
phone 202/662-9098
fax 662-9680 or -9444