Subject: Re: Redistricting reform and competition Lessons from decline in competitive states in presidential races
From: "Jeffrey O'Neill" <>
Date: 3/1/2006, 5:41 AM
To: election-law


I commend you on your efforts to implement the national popular vote
plan.  I do have one comment for you.  Under the plan, residents of 
Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories (who are all American citizens)
are still disenfranchised.  Puerto Rico has a larger population than
about half of the States.  The plan could also include a popular vote
in Puerto Rico to be included in the national totals.

Jeff O'Neill
Law Clerk to Judge Juan Torruella
First Circuit Court of Appeals
San Juan, Puerto Rico

On 2/28/06, Rob Richie <> wrote:

 I've been involved in an important effort to establish a national popular
vote for president through action in the states, an important and timely
reform plan launched last week,