David Hudson of Vanderbilt University, John Vile of Middle Tennessee
State University, and I are editing the Encyclopedia of the First
Amendment for Congressional Quarterly.
We are writing to all of you in the hope that you will be able to
contribute to the project as writers. There are still many terms on
election law matters that would be of interest to members of this
We anticipate that this two-volume encyclopedia will be the definitive
reference work in this area, with over 1,000 entries on concepts,
historical events, Supreme Court decisions, and the like.
We have described this encyclopedia and the instructions for
contributing to it at some length on a website at the CQ Press. You
can access this site by going to:
http://s133221803.onlinehome.us/encyfirstamend/default.aspx and
entering the following:
User: 1stamendment
Passwd: first
This same site also contains a list of sample entries along with their
approximate word counts. If you are interested in this project, we
will send the complete list.
We urge you to scan this list, pick out those that interest you, and
indicate the entries that you would like to write by responding to our
administrative assistant, Gina Logue, at odahleen@earthlink.net .
We will honor requests as they come in, attempting to see that no
individuals are assigned the same essays. We anticipate that there
will be multiple requests to write many essays. We accordingly ask
that you not begin writing any essays until we have given specific
authorization. You may then download the contract from the CQ Web
Contributors will be paid ten cents per word assigned and will be
eligible for a 40% discount on the set when it is published. We are
asking individuals who are writing 5,000 words or fewer to submit
essays by July 1. Those writing more than this may submit additional
essays through October 1. These deadlines are important because we
anticipate publication in 2007.
Because we want this book to be a definitive reference work, we
welcome any suggestions you might have as to additional essays that
you think should be included. We also welcome suggestions as to
individuals with expertise on First Amendment issues that you think
might be interested in contributing to these volumes. We hope you
will be able to accept our invitation and look forward to hearing back
from you. Again, please respond directly to our administrative
assistant, Gina Logue, at odahleen@earthlink.net .
David Hudson
David Schultz
John R. Vile
David Schultz, Professor
Hamline University
Graduate School of Management
1536 Hewitt Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
651.523.2858 (voice)
651.523.3098 (fax)