Subject: Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/8/06
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 3/8/2006, 9:20 AM
To: election-law

"Fight Looms on Lawmakers' Use of Corporate Jets"

The New York Times offers this report. See also this editorial, "Beware of What's Sold as Reform."
Bob Bauer comments on the editorial.

"Affirmative Action for Elections"

Matt Johnston has this post on the "Going to the Mat" blog about majority-minority districts.

"Drawing Lines on Lines"

The Washington Post offers this editorial.

Election Law Blog Makes Roger Alford's List of Most Popular Law Blogs Based on Traffic

See here. These figures don't include RSS feeds or listservs, so they are not entirely accurate. For example, more than 600 people receive my blog posts every morning via the Election law listserv, and more people receive legislation-related posts via the new Legislation listserv.

"N.C. House considers banning campaign funds for personal use"

AP offers this report.

Election Law Academic Hires and Moves

Mike Pitts, currently a visit assistant professor at Nebraska, has taken a tenure track position at Indiana University-Indianapolis. Christian Grose moved to Vanderbilt University this year (assistant professor of political science) this year from Lawrence University (asst. prof. in government). Today's NY Sun features this article, which mentions, among other moves, Sam Issacharoff's move last year from Columbia to NYU.

"Voting Rights Act Gets ACLU Push to Renew"

AP offers this report.

"En Ingles, Por Favor; If citizens can’t understand English, multilingual voting is the last thing they need."

Jose Enrique Idler has written this National Review Online column. It ends: "The VRA's linguistic provisions will most likely be renewed. But we shouldn't believe that multilingual ballots are a sign of political integration. In a society with many voices, if a person doesn't understand the common language, his voice won't be properly heard."

"Awaiting further fallout (if any) from Texas remap"

Craig Hines has written this column for the Houston Chronicle.

"New State Voter Registration Databases Could Bar Millions from Voting, Brennan Center Reports Show"

See this press release, which begins:

The full report is here.

"Incrementalist Election Law?"

Ned Foley has this post concluding the recent electronic roundtable on the Vermont and Texas cases.

"Re-Redistricting Redux: Those hoping the Supreme Court would boost Democratic chances to win a House majority in 2006 will likely be disappointed"

Michael McDonald has this article on the American Prospect website.

"How Congress benefits from corporate flights"

USA Today offers this very important report.

"FBI Probes Use of Funds by Ex-FEC Aide"

Roll Call offers this report (paid subscription required), which begins: "The FBI is investigating allegations that a former top official at the Federal Election Commission tried to settle a sexual harassment complaint from a female staffer by attempting to misappropriate $100,000 in taxpayer funds last fall."

Rick Hasen 
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School 
919 Albany Street 
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211 
(213)736-1466 - voice 
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