Subject: Re: FW: Lobbying reform legislation
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 3/11/2006, 1:06 PM
To: "Scarberry, Mark" <>
CC: "' '" <>, "' '" <>

Thanks Mark.  You expressed my point better than I think I did.  I certainly did not want to encourage anyone to leave the election law list; I just wanted to direct discussions that seemed to be off the main point of the list to a forum where I thought more people interested in the discussion.  I certainly don't think, as Craig said, that this list should be limited to a discussion of "court cases."

Sorry if my suggestion offended people, as it appeared to do.

(To answer Becky's question, as I've announced a few times, there is a new listserv dedicated to the field of legislation.  More information at this link:

Scarberry, Mark wrote:
I don't think Rick is saying that legislation involving election law should
not be discussed on this list. I think he is saying that matters involving
the legislative process -- how legislatures are influenced -- should be
discussed on the legislation list rather than the election law list if they
do not involve election law.

The question is whether limits on lobbying are limits on election activity.
I think there may be a case that "grass roots lobbying" is a form of
election activity, because it is a way to stir up the base to vote for you,
and not just a way to influence the legislative process. Thus it is a kind
of election activity.

So (to the extent my views matter, which may not be much) I'd hope that no
one would leave the list thinking that his or her posts are not welcome,
just because the posts involve legislation. In particular, if I'm correct in
thinking that grass roots lobbying is a form of election activity, then
posts involving legislation on grass roots lobbying would be very much on
point for this list.

Mark S. Scarberry
Pepperdine Univ. School of Law

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 3/11/2006 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: FW: Lobbying reform legislation

Dear Rick

I guess I missed something too -- there is a separate listserve for
legislation?  When did that happen?  I thought I was keeping up back
here in the east ...


On 3/11/06, <> wrote:
Sorry for raising the question. I shall leave this listserv on
election law
which Rick wants to focus on court cases, which is of only academic
to me, and move over to Rick's new listserv on legislation.

Craig Holman, Ph.D.
Public Citizen
215 Pennsylvania Ave., SE
Washington, D.C. 20003
TEL: 202-454-5182
FAX: 202-547-7392



Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax