Subject: Re: FW: Lobbying reform legislation
From: "Rebecca Morton" <>
Date: 3/11/2006, 9:48 AM
To: "" <>

Dear Rick

I guess I missed something too -- there is a separate listserve for
legislation?  When did that happen?  I thought I was keeping up back
here in the east ...


On 3/11/06, <> wrote:

Sorry for raising the question. I shall leave this listserv on election law
which Rick wants to focus on court cases, which is of only academic interest
to me, and move over to Rick's new listserv on legislation.

Craig Holman, Ph.D.
Public Citizen
215 Pennsylvania Ave., SE
Washington, D.C. 20003
TEL: 202-454-5182
FAX: 202-547-7392