Subject: any audacious attorneys in Missouri interested in this potential case?
From: "" <>
Date: 3/15/2006, 7:38 AM

Missouri requires candidates running in a primary to
file in March, even though the primary isn't until
August.  News stories have reported that an
anti-immigrant, anti-semitic person named Glenn Miller
tried to file in the Democratic primary for congress,
7th district (southwest Missouri), but the Democratic
Party refused to accept his filing fee because of his
obnoxious views.  There is no statute in Missouri, and
no case law, and no precedent, for anyone to be kept
off a primary ballot in Missouri because of his or her
political views.  The Missouri Secretary of State, a
Democrat, backs up the decision to exclude him, but
has not issued any ruling.  The candidate, Glenn
Miller, is seeking an attorney.  I am not saying I
think he ought to be on the primary ballot of a party
that doesn't want him.  Still, in the absense of any
rules of law that supports the exclusion, I hope he is
able to find an attorney, so the issue can get settled
in an above-board manner.  The candidate's contact
info is 417-463-7703; his postal address is Glenn
Miller, PO Box 3861, Springfield Mo 65808.  He is a
retired military officer.

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