Subject: Re: "CDT Responds to Markos"
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 3/16/2006, 3:40 PM
To: election-law

UPDATE: And here is another posting, responding to Bob Bauer's criticisms.

Rick Hasen wrote:

"CDT Responds to Markos"

John Morris of CDT has posted this response on the Kos website regarding the choice between, among other options, HR 1606 and HR 4900 (the CDT alternative). A snippet:

Very interesting. If that's the intention, then perhaps the language of HR 4900 should be drafted to make this fact more self evident
Rick Hasen 
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School 
919 Albany Street 
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211 
(213)736-1466 - voice 
(213)380-3769 - fax

Rick Hasen 
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School 
919 Albany Street 
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211 
(213)736-1466 - voice 
(213)380-3769 - fax