Subject: Electionlawblog news and commentary 3/31/06
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 3/31/2006, 7:26 AM
To: election-law

"Candidate Told to Alter Ballot Claim"

The LA Times offers this report, which begins: "A candidate for Orange County sheriff must remove a sentence from his ballot statement that describes the term of the incumbent, Michael S. Carona, as a 'failure' marked by 'scandal after scandal,' a judge ordered Thursday. Superior Court Judge Steven Perk ruled that the 19-word sentence in Sheriff's Lt. Bill Hunt's campaign statement violated the state election code, which restricts statements to a candidate's qualifications and plans if elected. Personal attacks on an opponent are not allowed."

Profile of Michael Berman in LA Times

Many blog readers know Michael Berman as the mastermind behind California's partisan gerrymanders. But this profile reveals a different side of Berman. It begins: "Michael Berman is a Democratic loyalist and lawyer who has helped organize 10 presidential nominating conventions, worked on 11 presidential campaigns and served two presidents. He is also a man known to eat an entire salami, 2 pounds of chocolate or a 40-ounce steak in a single sitting. Once during a starvation diet in a hospital, he hallucinated cheeseburgers. He has weighed as much as 337 pounds." "His just-released book, 'Living Large: A Big Man's Ideas on Weight, Success and Acceptance,' is a revealing memoir about being fat in the image-conscious business of politics."

"1965 Voting Rights Provisions to Expire"

AP offers this report on debate over reauthorization of expiring provisions of the Voting Rights Act.

"Political free e-speech"

The LA Times offers this editorial on the FEC's internet rulemaking.

"FEC Is Ordered to Rethink '527' Rules"

The Washington Post offers this report. My earlier coverage of this ruling is here. Allison Hayward assesses the ruling's significance here.

"Lobby Reform Lite"

The NY Times offers this editorial.

"G.O.P. Is Taking Aim at Advocacy Groups"

The NY Times offers this report. A snippet: "In the House, the Republican leadership intends to bring a plan to impose new restrictions on 527 groups to the floor next week to spur action in the Senate, where Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, a champion of the campaign finance bill that bears his name, is offering similar legislation."

Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax