Subject: Chapin Article on AZ - EAC conflict
From: RuthAlice Anderson
Date: 4/3/2006, 2:03 PM

<x-flowed>I appreciate the clear explanation of the importance of this disagreement between state and local government and the implications for all of us. However, I must object to Chapin's description between the competing camps on voter registration. In his words, this dispute "would once again shift the balance of power between those seeking greater access to voters and those seeking to enhance the integrity of the election process."

I don't know where Chapin got the idea that making it easier for people to register to vote demeans the integrity of the process. In fact, the opposite is true. Seeking to make sure every single eligible voter has a chance to vote enhances the integrity of the election process. In my opinion, imposing impediments to voting that maintains the marginalization of the poor and people of color diminishes the integrity of our elections and our government.

I certainly hope Chapin merely "misspoke" and that he doesn't really believe that removing institutional barriers to voting is a bad thing.


RuthAlice Anderson
Admin & Finance Manager
Western States Center
PO Box 40305
Portland, OR 97240
ph: 503-228-8866 ext. 107
fax: 503-228-1965
