A group of PA voters backed by PFAWF has filed suit in federal court
in Pittsburgh against local, state and federal officials for
declaratory and injunctive relief... claims include (complaint below):
* violation of rights under HAVA as not all voters will be able to use
the iVotronic DREs (some will have to use optical scan equipment);
* violation of due process under 14th A via purchasing flawed
technology on the eve of a primary;
* violation of equal protection under 14th A via not vetting the
technology adequately that will result in Allegheny County voters
votes counting differently than other PA counties;
* violation of the ADA and Rehabilitation Act (different counts) via
purchasing non-accessible DRE and optical scan equipment; and,
* violation by federal officials of due process under 5th A for
treating PA differently than other states (specifically NY) and
forcing a rush to purchase equipment with HAVA money.
(This version is a DOC from an activist group; if there's a PDF from
PFAWF or elsewhere, that would be best.)
best, Joe
Joseph Lorenzo Hall
PhD Student, UC Berkeley, School of Information