Subject: Electionlawblog news and commentary 4/15/06
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 4/15/2006, 2:57 PM
To: election-law

The News from Vernon Just Gets Worse

The LA Times offers S. Pasadena Is Tired of Vernon Politics; Police accuse private detectives of weapons violations and harassing candidates and advisors.

"Suppressing The New Orleans Vote"

This editorial first appeared in The Nation.

"The GOP's Betrayal On Speech"

George Will offers this Washington Post column on decisions of Republicans in the House to support 527 reform. Will notes: "Fortunately, the measure the House passed April 5 will not become law this year. Not because Republican senators are too principled to pass it, or because Democrats have a truly principled opposition to it but because Senate Democrats will have 41 votes, enough to block action on it."

"Gallegly fundraising healthy"

The LA Daily News offers this report, which begins: " Despite his surprising decision to retire, then his change of his mind, Rep. Elton Gallegly, R-Thousand Oaks, has raised nearly $90,000 for his 11th and final congressional race, according to campaign finance reports released Friday."

"Dougherty to challenge campaign law"

The latest in the dispute over Philadelphia's campaign finance law.

Federal District Court Rejects Democrats' Challenge to Indiana's Voter ID Law

You can find the opinion here. AP's story is here. I have only had a chance to glance at the decision, but I must say I found the discussion of the evidence of fraud to justify such a law (but permit an exception for absentee ballots) to be particularly unpersausive.

Electronic Voting Technology Conference August 1 in Vancouver, BC

Details here.

"Barnes files lawsuit against voter ID law"

A.P. offers this report, which begins: "Former Democratic Gov. Roy Barnes on Wednesday filed a lawsuit alleging that the state's voter ID law violates the Georgia Constitution. He said the GOP-backed law is 'a blatant attempt to curb minority voting.'"

Who Should Replace EAC Commissioner Martinez?

Bonnie Brinegar of Verified Voting just sent along the following email (with permission to post):

"Separation of Parties, Not Powers"

Daryl Levinson and Rick Pildes have posted this article on SSRN (forthcoming Harvard Law Review). Here is the abstract:

Philadelphia campaign finance controversies

See here and here.

"2005 Miami Dade Election Reform Coalition Data Relevant to Preclearance of 2006 GA Photo ID Measure"

The ACLU has posted this press release and this letter. The release begins:

Kern County Padilla Lawsuit Dropped

Following up on this report, the Bakersfield Californian offers Firms Drop Sludge Suit, which begins: "Voters will get their chance to vote to keep Southland sludge out of Kern County on June 6. Attorneys who tried to defeat an anti-sludge initiative in court on Friday, dismantled their civil-rights lawsuit on Wednesday. Attorney Bradley W. Hertz said his firm dismissed its own case because election ballots were already in the mail. 'We have no interest in interfering with the election,' Hertz said. State Sen. Dean Florez, who championed anti-sludge initiative Measure E, thinks the decision had more to do with protecting Bakersfield law firm Borton, Petrini & Conron's reputation."

Rick Hasen
William H. Hannon Distinguished Professor of Law
Loyola Law School
919 Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax